Lovers, not pairs of bodies

Sophia Valera
May 9, 2023


Overwhelming everything

the newest candidate for life-long love

idiosyncrasies affectionately recalled

as the base of attraction

rigorous and diligent

love, it is not held to a flame

it is phosphorous

incenerating skin in an instant;

only a Phoenix survives.

So what scale ensures a lasting love?

It is bigger than any grid

heightening the experience is not thought

though we start simply with unifying an area

or splashing about in diversity

the survival of ecosystems depends on difference

the course of creation committed to this

an intense encounter overlooked is a lost opportunity

but lost

we must also know

love letting us live



what has been known

what will be known

and can remain unseen

pull focus to keep your eyes open

let that be

the final four letter word



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