Ethereal Electric Bronco
all i want is a life where i am driving
where i can pick people up
and drop them off
choose who rides,
where to buy gas,
where we shall stop and
where to continue.
choices all, privileges mine.
a vehicle of and for my dreams
a second childhood where i foot the bill
could be quite fun
i’ll take some fun
and i will do my best to redistribute it.
a forever journey, as it already is,
how to tell our own texture
what we need to level out
at ease like i was as a child
how often do we hear the burden of others
around money or children
or some combination of the two?
and with so much more at my disposal
still mostly learning, but monied too
fun can be afforded
make the money work for you
the money got you driving
you’ve gotten rid of all the money
and what falls away is fear
when you get behind the wheel
cause can do it better,
than the elders
cause i learned from them
cause i have more control
because knowledge of how
to collect
as we did as kids
rocks and sticks
now decision rich.
i will vent my fear, the steam,
with my exhaust pipe
without exhausting anything but
can do it
for others, if not for me
i won’t even stumble around if i live in my car
i will become a wheel
Age takes us somewhere new
so do i need a new car?
thinking about what we have witnessed
instead of just peeling away
ribbon of road flapping in the breeze
is it the present aspect, the power
the joy, the surprise
of sleeping in the sun
that bring you calm and delight
or something i am not alone
yet able to describe